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How do I make an ATS proof resume?

The world of job hunting can be quite daunting, especially when it comes to submitting resumes to applicant tracking systems (ATS). With more and more companies using ATS software to filter resumes, it is essential to ensure that your resume is ATS-friendly. An ATS-friendly resume is one that is optimized for applicant tracking systems, ensuring that it gets through the initial screening process and into the hands of a recruiter. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to make an ATS-proof resume and the benefits of hiring a professional resume writer to write an ATS-friendly resume.

What is an ATS and how does it work?

An ATS is a software application that many companies use to manage their recruitment process. It is designed to simplify the hiring process by automating the initial screening of resumes. When you submit your resume to an ATS, the software scans it for specific keywords and phrases that match the job requirements. If your resume does not contain those keywords and phrases, it may be rejected and never seen by a human recruiter. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your resume is optimized for ATS software to increase your chances of making it to the next stage of the recruitment process.

How to make an ATS-proof resume?

  1. Use a Simple Layout: The first step to creating an ATS-proof resume is to use a simple and clean layout. Avoid using fancy fonts, graphics, and images. Instead, use a basic font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Use bullet points to organize your information and ensure that there is plenty of white space on the page.
  1. Use Relevant Keywords: As mentioned earlier, an ATS scans your resume for specific keywords and phrases that match the job requirements. Therefore, it is essential to include relevant keywords throughout your resume. To find relevant keywords, review the job description and highlight the words and phrases that stand out. Make sure to include those keywords in your resume but ensure that they are used naturally and fit within the context of your experience and skills.
  1. Use Standard Job Titles: When it comes to job titles, use standard job titles that are commonly used in the industry. Avoid using creative job titles that may not be recognized by the ATS. Using standard job titles will ensure that your resume is easily understood by the ATS and increase your chances of making it through the initial screening.
  1. Spell out Acronyms: Acronyms are commonly used in many industries, but they can confuse the ATS. Therefore, it is crucial to spell out acronyms when you first mention them in your resume. For example, if you use the acronym CRM, make sure to spell out Customer Relationship Management in parentheses.
  1. Use Relevant Section Headings: Use relevant section headings to organize your resume. Common section headings include Professional Summary, Work Experience, Education, and Skills. Make sure that your section headings are clear and easy to understand.
  1. Use a Standard File Format: When submitting your resume to an ATS, it is essential to use a standard file format such as PDF or Microsoft Word. Avoid using formats such as JPEG or PNG, as they may not be readable by the ATS.

The Benefits of Hiring a Resume Writer to Write an ATS-Friendly Resume

While it is possible to create an ATS-proof resume on your own, it can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you are not familiar with ATS software. Hiring a professional resume writer to write an ATS-friendly resume can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Expertise in ATS Optimization: Professional resume writers are experts in ATS optimization. They understand how ATS software works and what it takes to get your resume through the initial screening process. They can ensure that your resume is optimized with the right keywords and phrases and that it follows best practices for ATS-friendly formatting.
  1. Customized Resume: Professional resume writers can create a customized resume that highlights your skills and experience, tailored to the job you are applying for. They can identify your strengths and accomplishments and present them in a way that will catch the attention of the recruiter.
  1. Improved Branding: A professional resume writer can help you create a personal brand that sets you apart from other candidates. They can help you identify your unique selling points and present them in a way that is compelling to recruiters.
  1. Time-Saving: Creating an ATS-proof resume can be time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the process. Hiring a professional resume writer can save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your job search.
  1. Confidence Boost: Having a well-crafted, ATS-friendly resume can boost your confidence and increase your chances of landing an interview. Knowing that your resume is optimized for ATS software and that it presents your skills and experience in the best possible light can give you the confidence to apply for jobs with greater ease.


In conclusion, an ATS-proof resume is essential in today’s job market, where applicant tracking systems are increasingly being used by companies to filter resumes. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create an ATS-friendly resume that will increase your chances of getting through the initial screening process. However, if you are not familiar with ATS software or find the process challenging, it may be beneficial to hire a professional resume writer who can help you create a customized, ATS-friendly resume that highlights your skills and experience and sets you apart from other candidates. Ultimately, investing in an ATS-friendly resume can help you land your dream job and take the next step in your career.