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Beating Application Tracking Systems

An introduction to Applicant Tracking Systems

One thing we all can agree to is that finding a dream job is not that easy nowadays. Gone are the days when you could secure a position without having to be worried about the resume, cover letter, job interviews, or Applicant Tracking System(ATS).

ATS what’s that?

If you ain’t familiar with the Application Tracking System(ATS) AKA Resume Parser AKA Recruitment Management System AKA Applicant Management System, it’s time for an introduction. 

For every single job opening a recruiter receives hundreds of applications. Imagine the kind of hardship he has to go through to shortlist a few suitable applicants. This article will help you understand the reason companies use applicant tracking systems and how to write an Application Tracking System friendly resume. 

I have been a recruiter whole my life, 60% of all the resumes I received were useless. I still can’t forget my days when I had to screen hundreds of resumes to find 5-10 suitable applicants for the interview. 

In today’s competitive hiring climate, many companies use automated CV screening software to weed out applicants who are not suitable for the job. 

Application Tracking Systems (ATS) are designed to scan your CV, evaluate your resume on a list of set parameters, the job description, and rank it.

So there is a higher possibility that your job application failed to make it to the recruiter’s inbox. 

If you are looking for tips on how to beat applicant tracking systems, a simple google search will return you with some great advice on how to write an ATS ready resume or how to tweak your resume to fool the ATS Systems. 

If you wish to know how to write an ats friendly resume, you must know an ATS works. 

Applicant Tracking Software searches for specific keywords picked up from the job description and other parameters set by the recruiters. 

Oh, and that does not mean that you have to stuff your resume with repeated keywords as often as possible.

The optimization of keywords in your CV is essential to create a CV that does not slip through the cracks. You can improve your chances of attracting more interview calls by tweaking your resume and adding relevant keywords. Use keywords or precise phrases from the job description in your CV or online application to improve your chances of getting shortlisted by the applicant tracking software.

As a job seeker, the goal of writing an ATS friendly resume is to impress the hiring authority. The Applicant tracking system analyzes the content of your resume to match it with the job description and requirements. 

The ATS software acts as a filter, analyses the submitted profiles, and forwards the most relevant and qualified job seekers to the HR manager or recruiters. 

The application tracking system (ATS) searches the resumes for relevant keywords such as skills, work experience, job title, educational background, etc.

When your CV comes into the hands of a human resources manager, you want them impressed by your skills and experience and not discouraged by your over-zealous use of keywords. You never know what criteria a recruiter will choose, so consider the job description as a benchmark for your CV.

You must learn how to use the right keywords and format your CV if you want your resume to beat the applicant tracking system. 

Should I submit my resume in Word or PDF?

Many systems work best with text or Word documents, so avoid PDF files as much as possible, which can be corrupted when converting to certain systems. ATS-friendly CVs should be similar to recruiter-friendly CVs. Keep the formatting traditional – even if it sounds boring, traditional, or plain, you can make a CV better for an ATS.

When asked to upload your CV in PDF format to the applicant tracking system, Send a PDF version of your CV. If the system does not specify a compatible file type, play it safe and stick to Word documents or .doc.

How to write ats friendly resume?

A candidate tracking system (ATS) determines the strength of your skills based on the number of times a term appears on your resume (the goal is to add it two or three times to your resume), while others estimate an amount of experience to a particular skill based on its place on your resume. 

Insert as many keywords and phrases as possible into your resume to ensure that your writing sounds natural. In the Skills section, you can list keywords and skills that you would not be able to insert in other parts of your resume.

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