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How Many Pages Should a Resume Be?


Writing a good resume is really important when you’re looking for a job, especially since there are a lot of people competing for the same positions. One common question we often ask ourselves is, “How long should my resume be?” People have different opinions on this and it can be confusing. In this easy-to-understand guide, we’ll explore the topic of resume length and give you expert advice to help you make a smart choice. Whether you have lots of work experience or you’ve just finished school, this article will give you the information you need to create a standout resume.

How Many Pages Should a Resume Be?

How long your resume should be depends on a few things, like how much experience you have, what you want to achieve in your career, and the industry you’re interested in. Usually, if you’re just starting out or have limited experience, it’s best to keep your resume to one page. This way, you can focus on highlighting the qualifications and skills that are most important. But if you’re a seasoned professional with lots of experience and achievements, you might need a two-page resume to showcase everything properly.

Entry-Level Resumes: One Page

If you’re new to the job market or don’t have much experience, it’s best to keep your resume to just one page. This way, it’s easier for employers to see if you’re a good fit without having to read through too much. When making a one-page resume, make sure to highlight your education, any internships you’ve done that relate to the job, and any skills that could be useful for the position.

Experienced Professionals: One or Two Pages

As you gain more experience in your career, you’ll have a lot of valuable information to include in your resume. If you’re an experienced professional, it’s okay to have a one- or two-page resume, depending on how much you need to say. If you have a lot of experience, it’s a good idea to use two pages so you can give a full picture of your work history, accomplishments, and how you’ve grown professionally. Just make sure the second page has important information and doesn’t repeat things unnecessarily.

The Impact of Resume Length on Hiring Managers

When considering the ideal length for your resume, it’s important to understand the perspective of hiring managers. Recruiters and employers typically receive a high volume of resumes for each job opening. As a result, they have limited time to review each application thoroughly. According to research, recruiters spend an average of six seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to continue reading or move on to the next candidate.

Keeping It Concise

To capture the attention of hiring managers within those crucial six seconds, it’s essential to keep your resume concise and focused. A well-structured and succinct resume allows recruiters to quickly identify your key qualifications and suitability for the role. By adhering to the recommended page length for your experience level, you demonstrate your ability to present information effectively, enhancing your chances of making it to the next stage of the hiring process.

Achieving Balance

While brevity is crucial, it’s equally important to strike a balance between providing sufficient information and avoiding overwhelming the reader. Tailor your resume to the specific job requirements, highlighting relevant accomplishments and skills that align with the position. Utilize bullet points, short paragraphs, and selective use of bold or italic formatting to create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate document. This approach allows hiring managers to quickly find the information they need, showcasing your expertise and qualifications.

FAQs about Resume Length

1. Should I include all my work experience on my resume?

It’s generally recommended to include only the most relevant work experience on your resume, especially if you have a long employment history. Focus on positions that directlyrelate to the job you’re applying for or highlight transferable skills that are valuable in the desired role. Including all your work experience may result in a lengthy resume that could dilute the impact of your most significant accomplishments.

2. Can a three-page resume be acceptable?

While it’s generally advisable to limit your resume to one or two pages, there may be instances where a three-page resume is acceptable. For example, if you’re applying for a senior-level executive position or a role in academia that requires an extensive publication list, a longer resume might be warranted. However, it’s important to ensure that every piece of information included on the additional page(s) is relevant and adds value to your application.

3. What should I do if my resume exceeds the recommended page limit?

If your resume exceeds the recommended page limit, it’s essential to carefully review and revise your content. Evaluate each section and prioritize the most relevant information. Consider eliminating or condensing less impactful experiences, removing redundant or outdated skills, and focusing on achievements that showcase your qualifications. Additionally, refining the formatting and layout of your resume can help optimize space and create a visually appealing document.

4. Is it better to have a longer resume if I have many certifications and licenses?

While certifications and licenses can enhance your qualifications, it’s still important to maintain a concise resume. Instead of listing every certification and license you possess, focus on those that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for or demonstrate specific expertise. Include the most recent and prestigious certifications, and briefly mention others in a separate section or in the context of relevant work experience or achievements.

5. Does the industry I’m targeting affect the length of my resume?

Yes, the industry you’re targeting can influence the length of your resume. Some industries, such as academia or research, may expect longer resumes to accommodate publications, research projects, or academic achievements. Conversely, industries like graphic design or creative fields often prioritize visual portfolios or online platforms, allowing for shorter resumes that highlight key projects and accomplishments. Research industry standards and tailor your resume length accordingly to meet employer expectations.

6. Can I provide additional details in a separate document instead of lengthening my resume?

While it’s generally recommended to keep your resume concise, you can provide additional details in a separate document if necessary. However, it’s important to remember that hiring managers may not review supplementary documents in their initial evaluation of applications. Therefore, ensure that all crucial information is included in your resume itself, and use additional documents sparingly, primarily for supporting evidence or comprehensive portfolios.


In conclusion, the ideal length of a resume depends on your level of experience, career objectives, and the industry you’re targeting. For entry-level positions and individuals with limited experience, a one-page resume is recommended. Experienced professionals may opt for a one- or two-page format, depending on the depth and relevance of their qualifications. Regardless of the length, it’s crucial to keep your resume concise, focused, and visually appealing to capture the attention of hiring managers within a short timeframe. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements, highlighting relevant accomplishments and skills. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to create a compelling resume that showcases your expertise and maximizes your chances of securing your desired job.